<<With the pseudonym of Antigone, Papasso tells the joy and the rural life, weaving, in a "transcendental" key, the traditional and the surreal>>
A dichotomy which helps in the practice of life that
many authors plead to fulfil their own dreams.
After all, affinities are not absent between the two:
<<the colour>>
[...] <<I add: a
reality as "trace to the impossible". A sort of extension
between things and us, between objects and their reflection in
the apparent distance of memory>> [
<<The imaginary among the most changeable cards of Nature
and in their most informal expressiveness>>
] <<The feather of poetry circles (figure
or not) in this climate which the author breathes and expresses
in his veiled gasps, that represent the result of a reality of
depth: ungarettian, as Argan perceived>>.
Elio Filippo Accrocca 1989